ABBRA announces 2025 directors and officers at Annual Conference
Warren, RI- (February 13, 2025)The American Boatbuilders & RepairersAssociation (ABBRA) re-elected Jessica Parker of Parker’s Boat Yard and Gerard(Jerry) McDonough of Marinevest to its 2025 board of directors. They joinreturningboard members John Hall, Jr. of Frank Hall Boatyard; Andy Tyska, ofBristol Marine; Ron Gift of Safe Harbor Marinas; Seth McGonigal of SaundersYachtworks as well as… Continue reading
Hear from the Experts at ABBRA’S Annual Conference!
The American Boat Builders & Repairers Association will hold its annual conference at the Broward County Convention Center in Ft. Lauderdale, FL January 27, – January 29, 2025. The event includes a day and a half of boatyard management and service content, industry networking, an optional marina and boatyard tour, and an exhibition floor with… Continue reading
Hear what MSM students are saying about ABBRA’s MSM course!
The Marine Service Managers Course (MSM) is a four-week course, where attendees will participate in six educational sessions on topics that are critical to running a successful service management department including effective leadership, human resource development, maritime law and more. The educational sessions are taught by seasoned industry leaders, live and online. The Marine Service Managers Course (MSM) will be held in November… Continue reading
The American Boatbuilders & Repairers Association (ABBRA) Presents 2023 Board of Directors
Board adds three new directors at Annual Conference to 2023 roster Warren, RI- (January 30, 2023) The American Boatbuilders & Repairers Association (ABBRA), welcomed three new members at its Annual Conference in Daytona Beach to its 2023 board of directors: Andy Tyska, Bristol Marine; Ron Gift, Safe Harbor Marinas; and Mike Arieta, Hinckley Yachts. All directors… Continue reading
ABBRA’s Annual Conference
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Warren, RI (February 8, 2023) – The American Boatbuilders & Repairers Association (ABBRA) is pleased to announce the successful completion of its Annual Conference. Attended by some of the country’s leading boat and service yards, the conference was held in Daytona Beach, Florida at the Ocean Center Convention Center. “On behalf of the… Continue reading
ABBRA’s Annual Awards
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The American Boatbuilders & Repairers Association is pleased to announce the presentation of its Boatyard of the Year (2020) award to KKMI Sausalito at its annual conference held at the Ocean Center in Daytona Beach, Florida last week. Due to COVID19 restrictions, ABBRA had not been able to make this presentation in-person… Continue reading
ABBRA’s 2022 Annual Conference
Warren, RI (February 14, 2022) – The American Boatbuilders & Repairers Association is pleased to announce the successful completion of its face-to-face Annual Conference in over three years. Attended by some of the country’s leading boat and service yards, the Annual Conference was held in Daytona Beach, Florida at the Ocean Center Convention Center. “On behalf… Continue reading